Friday 8 June 2007

Convert Counter-Strike Source 64 bit to 32 bit

I'm blogging this becasue it's somthing that has wasted many hours of my life, needlessly. I installed Windows XP 64 bit to see if it gave any performace improvemts with counter-strike source. After finding no real noticable difference and becoming more and more annoyed by the lack of software support for 64 bit, I decided to convert back to 32 bit Windows. However, when I went to play Counter-strike again, it wouldn't work, can't remember the error now but basicly it was still trying to run using 64 bit files and had replaced the 32 bit ones with. I tryed deleting the *.blob file in the the valve directory in the hopes that steam would re-asses my files, but no luck.
Any way, the eventual solution to the problem was a program called Dependancy walker
from href="
By loading the Steam.exe file into dependancy walker it was able to give a list of all the files used by steam and which where 32 or 64 bit. I simply deleted all 64 bit files, restarted steam, which then downloaded new 32 bit versions of the files, and I was away.

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