Saturday 28 April 2007

Getting the Username & Password from a Sky Broadband Router

If you've joined up with Sky Broadband you'll proberbly have one of there Netgear routers, which is great for most people. If however you prefer to use your own router, there's a problem, Sky won't let you and you can't easily get the information you need from the Sky router. However there is a way using URL injections which are shown below.

First click the link below:

Then enter your Sky username & passowrd (normally admin & sky)

Then click the following link and open the file into a text editor:

You'll be presented with a file that looks something like this:

The username is: 00123A456B78@skydsl
and the password is: 1Ae203a0bb

Now you just enter that information into your chosen router and your away.

Friday 27 April 2007

MSN Photo Album Virus

Having recently been stupid enough to download the MSN Photo Album Virus, which then infected several of my friends, I wrote a batch file to remove it that doesn't require any system restarting.

It's a Zip file that contains 2 files, run.bat & kill.exe.
Just extract the file then double click run.bat to remove the virus.
Kill.exe is used by the batch file to close running programs that have been infected by the virus.
I've tested the batch file on XP and 2000 and it's worked with out any problems.
Hope this helps a few people.

Enter your hotmail address and password to automaticly send ever one on your contancts list an email with a link to this site, and help stop the virus.



Also, If you have any talent in web design and are interested in working on a web project on a 50/50 basis (no pay just split any profits). Email me at b.flatman at gmail dot com.

I'm just looking for some one to start a project with on a very part time basis.

I'm currently working as an application developer, but have worked in web development and even SEO in the past so those are the skills i'll be bringing to the table.
